In Vitro Fertilization - ICSI
This procedure involves ovulation induction, egg retrieval, IVF/ICSI (freezing, thawing, genetic screening), and embryo transfer.
“WHICH IS BETTER ? single or double-embryo transfer (SET, DET) in InVitro Fertilisation (IVF) technology "
Regarding safety, not only does Double Embryo Transfer create the uncontested perinatal risks of twin pregnancies, but compelling evidence has added that singleton pregnancies after a vanishing twin also have poorer perinatal outcomes. Single Embryo Transfer is as effective as Double Embryo Transfer as shown by meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials, comparing two cycles of Single ET versus Double ET and shown by cumulative live birth rates of entire IVF trajectories of up to six cycles. Proposing Single ET, which is safer than Double ET and as effective, as the gold standard is not irreconcilable with patient-centred care if patients are thoroughly informed on the reasoning behind the proposition and welcomed to challenge whether it fits their personal values. The cost-efficiency of Single Embryo Transfers is clearly higher, which has even induced certain countries to start reimbursing IVF on the condition that Single Embryo Transfer is used. In conclusion, Single Embryo Transfer should be the gold standard offered to all patients. The question is not whether to apply Single Embryo Transfer but how to apply it in terms of patient selection, patient-centred counselling and coverage of treatment.